University College Dublin

<!– wp:acf/school { “id”: “block_5ebedd87ef77c”, “name”: “acf/school”, “data”: { “school_description”: “UCD School of Veterinary Medicine is the sole provider of a veterinary medicine degree programme on the island of Ireland, and is accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association.rnrnStudents of the veterinary medicine programme benefit from the outstanding facilities of the purposedesigned UCD Veterinary Sciences […]

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University of Bristol – Four Year Programme

<!– wp:acf/school { “id”: “block_5ebeea0c5f66f”, “name”: “acf/school”, “data”: { “school_description”: “The Bristol Veterinary School is situated at a dedicated site on the edge of the rural Mendips in the village of Langford, 14 miles south of Bristol. Our 255-hectare estate is home to state-of-the-art facilities that are ideal for our researchers conducting a large variety […]

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