University of Florida

<!– wp:acf/school { “id”: “block_5ebb06268bf57”, “name”: “acf/school”, “data”: { “school_description”: “The University of Florida is located in Gainesville, a college town of approximately 132,000 in north central Florida. Winter is mild and summer permits year-round participation in outdoor activities. The College of Veterinary Medicine is part of the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences and […]

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Ohio State University

<!– wp:acf/school { “id”: “block_5eb2ce7cad061”, “name”: “acf/school”, “data”: { “school_description”: “The Ohio State University was founded in 1870 and is one of the nation’s leading academic centers, consistently ranks as Ohio’s best, and one of the nation’s top-20 public universities. The campus consists of thousands of acres, hundreds of buildings, more than 15,000 faculty and […]

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